Contractor Image Value Pack 2024-05-20T09:54:45-06:00

We’re about to fix the problem you’ve been trying to solve forever.

No Images that Tell Your Story to Your Customers.

You’ve heard it over and over again from every marketing person you’ve hired.

They wail: “I need more pictures!”

You know you need to do it, you know it will help, but after putting out fires all day and babysitting the new guy, who has time or energy?

Plus, half the time, you take pictures, send them, and then they start complaining!

“They’re the wrong size”, or “Stop being such a boomer!”

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just take care of this in one fell swoop instead of having to deal with it all the time?

Now you can.

Here’s what you get in my Contractor Image Value Pack:

  • 1 Hour Brand Call

  • 100 Branded Images that tell your story to your ideal customers

  • 20 Branded Images that contain your most profitable value proposition-driven service offerings

  • 10 Branded Review Images that tell the story of how happy your customers are about your most profitable services

Hear from my Customers!

“I hired Frontburner to come out and get good pics for my remodeling business, and I couldn’t be happier. I always struggled to get pictures, because I would forget or when I took them they weren’t any good because I’m not a photographer. I love the images Kyle produced and we’re actually going to have him come out and do a second set for another service we provide.”

-Rick P. Dallas area Remodeling Company

Check it out!

SHower with High end fixtures, custom nook

Without Branded Images, You Lose

If you can’t tell your story visually to the customers you want, you always lose business to your competitors who can.

When you put your brand  together with the dream result your ideal customer has always wanted, you instantly have what every business owner wants:


Your prospective customer associates their dream outcome with your company, and you both win!

You just can’t beat the power of a well-positioned image that tells your story, combined with your brand to sell you and your service to your ideal customer.

Now you can have that.

You get 100 of these images with this package.

Ask yourself this question: how much of your time would you have to spend to produce 100 branded images?

Where would you even start?

Design Your Dream illustration for image pack

Power Up with Value Proposition Images!

With our value proposition images, your customer can envision their perfect outcome, learn that you do the designing as well as the installation, see that you have a free consultation, and get your contact information, all in a single image.

These are what marketers call “Evergreen Images”; they never go out of style. You can literally use them for the rest of your life.

And you get 20 of them, all tailored to your most profitable services.

How much of your time would you have to spend to craft these messages, put them on images correctly, and brand them?

Luxury Walk In Shower review image for image pack

Supercharge Your Reviews with 10 Review Images!

Reviews are great, but when you add images that tell the story of your reviews, your customer can envision their perfect outcome, AND hear from another person just like them who used your service, all in a single image.

There’s nothing more powerful than to have the reassurance that a company is going to take care of my needs, and that’s what Review Images do.

My Image Pack Offer provides 10 Review Images to supercharge your best reviews.

How much of your time would you have to spend to research and position these messages, put them on images correctly, and brand them?


Choose my “Done for you” option and we’ll do ALL the work with “Social Media Autopilot”!

When you choose this option, you get to completely take social media posting off your plate.

You get to make your life EVEN EASIER, with our “Social Media Autopilot”.

In this package, we’ll set up a scheduler for you, pack all this nice, new image content into it, and plan out your social media for an entire year, 12 full months of content!

For a small extra fee, we’ll double that and build posts for you for 2 entire years.

Imagine having curated, branded content with perfect value propositions and representations of your work consistently flowing out to your audience for 24 entire months…

And You. Didn’t. Have To. Touch it.

                          Best of all: You Only Pay Once!

Here’s how the pricing works:

Contractor Image Pack

  • Brand Consultation (we build the plan and confirm the value propositions)
  • On-Site Day: We come to you and travel with your team to capture all the images
  • We process the images, place your logo and deliver the content!

    You Get:

  • 100 Branded Images 
  • 20 Branded Value-Proposition Images
  • 10 Review Images
  • Curation and Upload to your destination of choice (Facebook, Dropbox, etc…)
  • Peace of mind, knowing you have wonderful branded content that tells your story, which you can post to any social platform you wish!

One-Time Price: $2497

“Social Media Autopilot” Option (special pricing for combining!)

My team will:

  • Set up a social scheduling tool for you (or use one you currently use)
  • Upload all of the content correctly
  • Schedule your posts for 12 months
  • For only $197, we’ll double that and plan your social posting for 24 months!

One-Time Price $2497

With 24-Month Add-On $2594

Combine both, and save $594!

$5091 = $4497


Imagine being able to pay less than $200 a month for 2 years of Social Media posting, and all posts displaying your work and custom messaging to your potential customers!

That’s less than $7 a day.

Sign up now, because I’m can only afford to offer this pricing for the first 10 customers.

(I’m adding on 2 bonuses worth a total of $2,000, but I’ll only tell you in the call!)

Here’s my Guarantee: You pay the deposit we agree on, and I’ll come out, shoot all the images, and add your logo. I’ll show you these images on a recorded call, and if you’re not happy with them, I’ll refund all your money and you can walk away.


The Excuses are Gone, Sign Up Today!

Call or text 512-876-9111 to see if you qualify. That’s my personal cell, so you’re going to talk directly to me.