

Brand Messaging 101: The Balancing Act Between Narrow and Too Broad

What Are The Risks in Saying "No" in Your Brand Messaging? You've heard it said over and over about advertising online, that you shouldn't be too broad with your brand messaging. "Be specific", they say.  "Don't try to reach everyone, just your target audience", they say. Of course, that's the easiest part; saying it. [...]

2019-10-18T06:32:19-06:00 By |Brand Messaging|Comments Off on Brand Messaging 101: The Balancing Act Between Narrow and Too Broad

Messaging 101: When Clever Defeats Clarity

Your Brand Messaging Has To Be Clear; It Doesn't Have to be Clever Too many businesses and marketers sacrifice clarity in their messaging so they can be clever. Don't do it. When you do, you sacrifice the ability to get your wonderful product or service into the hands of the very person who needs it. [...]

2019-10-18T06:32:19-06:00 By |Branding|Comments Off on Messaging 101: When Clever Defeats Clarity